Three New Websites – An Auto Shop, A Short Film and A Dance Troupe

I’ve been really busy the last 2 months, bringing on new clients and working on a lot of new projects.  I just finished posting on Facebook about the latest website that I made live and realized that I have two others that I haven’t posted on my own blog!  So without further ado, here they are:

Scott’s Automotive Inc

The customer wanted it to be slick, clean and SEO-friendly. I’ve been working on it for a really long time. It’s the biggest site that I’ve built yet where I had to generate all the content myself.  Features include:

  • 2 types of custom slider
  • Custom page layouts for “Top” pages and “Parts & Services” pages
  • 220+ Entries on car repair and body work with text and pictures on each
  • 35+ Pages including “Top” pages and categories for Parts & Services
  • 40+ Categories
  • 600+ Metatags
  • Music on the home page with access for visitors to control the volume or turn it off
  • Social media links on every page

Childish Dream Chronicles the Mess Up Room

This site was built for a short film shot locally in Tampa, Florida.  The purpose of the site is to publicize, showcase and eventually sell the movie.  They really went all out with a full crew, professional cameras and professional actors.  It’s a really impressive project and the site I built currently has a lot of behind-the-scenes content while the actual film is being put together.

The site is built to evolve with the project, from post-production to trailers and film festivals and the eventual release and/or sale of the movie on the site itself.  Features include:

  • Custom sliders
  • Custom slide show galleries
  • Video preview and customer-only pages (coming soon)
  • Social media links and social media sharing options

Philippine Performing Arts Company Inc

I’ve been a member of the Philippine Performing Arts Company since before it’s founding.  Filipino dance has been a huge part of my life and I only stopped being an active member a few years ago after family and work really cut down on my extra-curricular activity time.  They’re having a big show this May at the Straz Center for the Performing Arts.  This will be the first big show that I haven’t been in.  I channeled my feelings into something positive and decided to create a new site for them to celebrate the new show.  Features include:

  • Front page slider
  • Individual pages for the types of Filipino dance
  • Individual sliders for each dance style page
  • Video page with YouTube video links
  • Social media links
  • Mailing list subscription

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