Does Your Website Need A Face-lift?

I’ve noticed a trend this year where a significant portion of the work that I’m getting involves overhauling and refreshing existing web sites.  I’ve given face-lifts to everything from sites that I built myself a few years ago to sites built in the last millennium!  I’ve converted sites to WordPress, Joomla, Shopify and Lemonstand.  I’ve even built a few sites directly out of HTML5/CSS3.

The primary reasons my customers looked for these rebuilds were:

  1. Mobile Layout/Responsive Design: Adapting their site to be responsive so that it looks good not only on computers, but on mobile platforms, tablets, and smartphones.
  2. Functionality: Adding additional functionality to their sites including mailing lists, customer forms, sliders, custom graphics, link-sharing capabilities and links to their social media.
  3. E-Commerce: Adding a shopping cart to an existing site or totally converting a site over to E-Commerce.
  4. Site Refresh: Revamping the look of their site with a modern layout and custom graphics.

I’ve been working in partnership with DrewSevan Design this year and we’ve put together some really great sites. The collaboration has gone so well that we’ve both decided to add site refresh/face-lifts to our portfolio of services.  We’ve launched a joint website, If you’re interested in having us take a look at your site head over, fill out the form in as much detail as you wish and we’ll take a look.

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