I logged into Google Docs today, as I do everyday, and a little pop-up came up notifying me that a new type of document was now available: Google Drawings. I’ve been playing around with it a bit today, as time allows, and, for me, the most useful application would be as a replacement for Visio.… Continue reading New Addition to Google Docs Suite – Google Drawings
My Newest Timewaster – foursquare
I was doing my due diligence last week, reading up on the latest and greatest in Local Search when I came across an article about a cool app to put on my phone called foursquare. It’s a game / tracking tool that you can use to track where you’ve been, leave tips about places, and… Continue reading My Newest Timewaster – foursquare
Hallelujah and Praise the Lord: Service Areas and Location Settings in Google Place Pages
I logged into one of my customer’s Google Local Business Centers today and had a pleasant surprise. As you can see on the image, Google has finally addressed the problem of businesses that service customers outside of their immediate area. Until now, my customers with lawn services, out-call massage, and plumbing businesses had major issues… Continue reading Hallelujah and Praise the Lord: Service Areas and Location Settings in Google Place Pages
Google’s Answer to Twitter Released Today
I opened up my Gmail account this afternoon after lunch and was surprised to be offered something called “Google Buzz.” I launched it and the first thought that popped in my head was: “Google is going after Twitter.” It looks superficially like Twitter and it’s fully integrated into my Gmail account. When I opened it… Continue reading Google’s Answer to Twitter Released Today
Post To Your Place Page – New on Google Place Pages
I was working on one of my customer’s place pages, as I do on a daily basis, when I came across a new tool in the top right-hand corner. The option to place a message on my customer’s place page that expires in 30 days. I called the customer for a quick blurb to try… Continue reading Post To Your Place Page – New on Google Place Pages
Local Search Demo Video
Happy 2010 to everybody. We just created a video demonstrating some of our customers’ searches. Take a look and let us know what you think.
KML and Geo Sitemap Tool
I just came across a blog post on a tool to create KML files and geo sitemaps. For the uninitiated (which included myself up until 45 minutes ago) a KML file is what Google Earth, Google Maps, and a variety of other mapping programs use to store map information. The idea is to use this… Continue reading KML and Geo Sitemap Tool
I’m Thankful for Google Chrome
I downloaded Google’s browser, Chrome, when it came out and over time it’s become my browser of choice. I just found an online comic book by Scott McCloud that Google published explaining pretty much everything about Chrome that I love. Take a look and try Chrome out. It’s great.
Google Changes Their Business Listing Quality Guidelines
Google made a change last week to their Business Listing Quality Guidelines. The big issue was that Google was requiring people to list their full legal business name as the company name, but they quickly reversed direction on that decision. Many companies don’t actually do business under their legal name (I don’t!) and requiring it… Continue reading Google Changes Their Business Listing Quality Guidelines
Google Maps and free business local listings
The bottom line? Google is mapping the planet one place at a time and providing it for us in Place Pages. The information gathered in different ways, is enhanced, in typical Google fashion, by users around the globe making it more human, more useful. Can SMBs benefit? A Google SVP recently spoke about Maps and… Continue reading Google Maps and free business local listings